Sunday, 2 June 2013

Beardy Booky Blogosphere

Hello folks,

There have been lots of nice knitty things afoot this week.

I have received my first delivery of copies of my book - really exciting to see several copies together! And this means I can now sell signed copies of my bonkers tome to you lovely people - click on this link to check it out:

I've also discovered a few blogs out in the ether with lovely things to say about the book - some people are still a wee bit skeptical, but it's understandable given the mad moustache theme!

One of these blogs has a competition to win a copy of the book (open until 5th June) and another has a delightful photo of a mini person wearing a moustache!

Speaking of mini people, my friends Paul and Jacki have just had a lovely new one of their own (called Serenity) and I managed to squeeze in some time to make them some baby booties. I hope they like them (and they fit!).

And there have been a couple more magazine-y fun things. An interview in Crafty Magazine, with an incredible sketch of moi - my Mum assures me I'm very funny in this interview, but then she would say that... And another nice flag in Simply Knitting Magazine. (Slowly building up my scrapbook...)

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