I got a message today fro

m my old friend James saying he'd been to the Green Man Festival in Wales and had bumped into a man with a knitted beard.
Initially I was very excited by this random coincidence and also the undoubted spreading of the beard love, but then I was worried that maybe some cheeky scoundrel had been copying my ideas. James reassured me that it was definitely one of mine. Hurrah!
I then wanted to find out which one of my customers it was so I could contact them and share this strange fluke of fortune, but realised I had no way of knowing. Boooo! Oh well. Just one of those things... But no. In the mail box, an email from said chappy, sharing his joy and beardy festival experiences. Truly awesome. Not to mention this great photo. It made my day to know I'd cheered someone's weekend.

In other news, my labels arrived today. Very exciting. It means I can start behaving like a proper professional beard-maker and that. Good advertising. And generally just looks cool. Yay!
Watch out world, the beards are coming!