Saturday, 19 September 2009

Leia-tist Creation

Here is my latest creation. Leia Earmuffs.

A bit mad? Probably. I'm not entirely sure. But mad is good.

I think I may even wear these myself. There are really not that many earmuffs around these days, and definitely not ones with any style. (Not that I am implying that these are the height of fashion, of course!)

Nonetheless, I am quite fond of the idea. Let me know your thoughts.

In other news, I made it to the etsy front page again on the 17th September.

I could quite get used to being on there once a month! It's certainly a great feeling, and wonderful to see one's views zooming up.

Good times.

1 comment:

  1. I love the earmuffs. True genius.

    I want some but I don't know that they'd suit me. Winter's coming though so you should make loads. =)

    Good day,

